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Roses, Page 3

Bees Knees

Classification: Miniature Color: yellow blend Petal count: 26-40 Fragrance: no Year of introduction: 1998 This is the only miniature and potted rose the Lee’s have.

Fragrant Apricot

Classification: Floribunda Color: apricot blend Petal count: 26-40 Fragrance: very sweet Year of introduction: 1998

Perfume Delight

Classification: Hybrid Tea Color: medium pink Petal count:  26 – 35 Fragrance: sweet, strong Year of introduction: 1973

Barbara Streisand

Classification: Hybrid Tea Color: mauve Petal count:  25 -30 Fragrance: sweet, strong Year of introduction: 1999

Just Joey

Classification: Hybrid Tea Color: orange blend Petal count:  30 Fragrance: sweet, strong Year of introduction: 1972 This rose changes its color from orange to apricot …

Angel Face

Classification: Floribunda Color: bright mauve Petal count:  25-30 Fragrance: sweet Year of introduction: 1968 Small but ruffled petals are pretty.