Cultivar: Old Berkeley It attracts hummingbirds. It was inherited from the previous property owner. Cultivar: not known (the same as top) Cultivar: Diva White Stems do not weep like typical fuchsia (they are compact and straight).
Cultivar: Old Berkeley It attracts hummingbirds. It was inherited from the previous property owner. Cultivar: not known (the same as top) Cultivar: Diva White Stems do not weep like typical fuchsia (they are compact and straight).
Cultivar: variegated weigela (above and below) Elegant pink flowers with striking lime green variegated leaves
Cultivar: Dreamland (above and below) Cultivar: Yellow Petticoats
Cultivar: Arneson Gem Deciduous Cultivar: Canon’s Double Deciduous Cultivar: Coral Bells (Kurume hybrid) Evergreen Cultivar: Eileen Evergreen Cultivar: Madonna Evergreen
Scientific name: Prunus cerasifera Cultivar: not known (Krauter Vesuvius or Thundercloud) – pink (up) and white (down) Three 20′ trees were inherited …
Redwood City planted five aristocrat pears on the side walk around their property before the Lee’s moved. The trees are huge (20′ to 30′ high) …
Scientific name: Daphne odora Cultivar: Aureomarginata (above and below) Sweet fragrance perfumes the entire backyard in winter.