Yuzu Ice Cream Recipe

This winter had abundance of yuzu’s … maybe 100 in our 8’ tree.  This is a perfect light dessert after a big Christmas dinner.

(Serving size: 3 pints)

6 large egg yolks
1.5 cup of refined sugar
3 cups of whole milk
1.5 cup of heavy cream
1 cup*  of yuzu juice with zest (or equivalent of 15 yuzu’s) *If you have to buy yuzu, a half of this amount (7 yuzu’s to make ½ cup of juice) can be sufficient to enjoy its aroma.

Note:  Freeze overnight (make one day in advance) if you don’t have an ice cream maker.

The fruit is bigger this winter.  It must have been from the excess rain during the last winter.


1. In a bowl, beat egg yolks lightly. Add sugar gradually and beat for a couple of minutes.


2. In a saucepan, heat milk until bubbles appear around the rim of the pan.


3. Gradually whisk 1/3 of the hot milk into the yolks to warm them.


4. Slowly whisk the yolks back into the remaining milk in the pan.


5. Reduce the heat to low and stir constantly until the custard is thick enough to coat the back of the spoon.


6. Strain into a clean bowl* if you see clumps of eggs or milk skin.  If not, you could skip this process.
* = A stand mixer bowl is easier to whisk later as it freezes.  Set the bowl over a larger bowl of ice and water.  Let it cool.


7. Wash yuzu skin thoroughly. Yuzu is not hard like a lemon or lime. Hold it gently and grate the zest.


8. Cut yuzu in half (cross-section) and squeeze its juice.


9. The bowl with the custard should be cool by now.  Add heavy cream, yuzu juice and zest into the bowl.  Whisk.


Option A – if you have an ice cream maker:
Pour all into the machine and process according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Option B – if you don’t have an ice cream maker:
Put the bowl with the mixer whisk attachment in the freezer.  Mix the ice cream every couple of hours.  The cold whisk prevents the ice cream from melting.  A stand mixer is easier than a hand mixer as ice cream gets harder.


11. Freeze overnight.